Do you feel difficult to keep up to date on all the frequent updates and announcements in the Microsoft Integration platform and Azure iPaaS?
Integration weekly updates can be your solution. It’s a weekly update on the topics related to Integration – enterprise integration, robust & scalable messaging capabilities and Citizen Integration capabilities empowered by Microsoft platform to deliver value to the business.
Microsoft Announcements and Updates
- General availability of custom OpenID providers in App Service and Azure Functions
- Simplify connectivity, routing, and security with Azure Virtual WAN
- Scaling for the future of ophthalmology with artificial intelligence powered by Azure Healthcare APIs
Community Blog Posts
- Designing Microservices Architecture for Failure by Joydip Kanjilal
- CRISP: Critical Path Analysis for Microservice Architectures by Milind Chabbi
- BizTalk High Availability and Disaster Recovery Options and Concerns by Prashant Singh
- BizTalk 2020 CU 3 by Coen Dijkgraaf
- A .NET 5.0 Guide: From Idea To NuGet Package by khalidabuhakmeh
- Living with Kubernetes: 12 Commands to Debug Your Workloads by Justin Garrison
- What’s New in C# 10: Write Less Code and Reduce Repeated Using Directives by Jason Roberts
- What’s New in C# 10: New Possibilities for Validation and Logging Methods by Jason Roberts
- Power Apps portals: What’s new by Nick Doelman
- Modern .NET Messaging using MassTransit by Chris Patterson
- ASP.NET Community Standup – .NET Conf – Web Dev recap by Jeff Fritz and Jon Galloway
- Cross-platform .NET Testing with Kendra Havens via dotnetrocks
- Web Assembly’s hidden talent with WasmCloud’s Kevin Hoffman via The Hanselminutes Podcast
How to get started with iPaaS design & development in Azure?
- Robust Cloud Integration with Azure
- Microsoft Azure for Developers: What to Use When
- Serverless Computing: The Big Picture
- Azure Logic Apps: Getting Started
- Azure Logic Apps: Fundamentals
- Microsoft Azure Developer: Creating Enterprise Logic Apps
- Microsoft Azure API Management Essentials
- Azure Functions Fundamentals
- Cloud Design Patterns for Azure: Availability and Resilience
- Architecting for High Availability in Microsoft Azure
Hope this would be helpful. Please feel free to reach out to me with your feedback and questions.