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Microsoft Announcements and Updates
- Creating an integrated plug-and-play supply chain with serverless computing
- Announcing first-class support for CloudEvents on Azure
- General availability: Azure Storage metrics in Azure Monitor
- Global VNet Peering now generally available
- Data Factory supports wildcard file filters for Copy Activity
- Secure credential management by using Azure Key Vault and Data Factory
- Azure Functions Recipes
- Cloud Migration Essentials: A guide to migrating servers and virtual machines
Community Blog Posts
- Friendlier SOAP Pass-through with Logic App designer UXÂ by David Burg
- Explore SaaS analytics with Azure SQL Database, SQL Data Warehouse, Data Factory, and Power BIÂ by Anum Jang Sher
- Microsoft Flow – use PowerShell to manage your flows by Pieter Veenstra
- Multi-environment deployments for Compiled C# Azure Functions with VSTS Release Management  by Simon Waight
- Bulk VM creation from CSV using Azure PowerShell by Wriju Ghosh
- Microsoft Bot Framework: Building Intelligent Chat Bot Using Azure Functions and LUISÂ by Mandar Dharmadhikari
- Rich text in approvals and multi-select inputs for buttons by Stephen Siciliano
- Customize Your Workflow Notifications with App Center and Azure Logic Apps by Simina Pasat
- Getting the news leveraging the Bing News API V7Â by Steef-Jan Wiggers
- Low-Priority VM Scale Set (VMSS)Â via Azure Friday
- Analyzing your applications with Application Insights via On .NET
- Azure SREÂ via The Azure Podcast
- Constraints Liberate with Mark Seemann via .Net Rocks Podcast
- Building Web Applications for the next Billion Users with Ire Aderinokun via The Hanselminutes Podcast