Do you feel difficult to keep up to date on all the frequent updates and announcements in the Microsoft Integration platform?
Integration weekly update can be your solution. It’s a weekly update on the topics related to Integration – enterprise integration, robust & scalable messaging capabilities and Citizen Integration capabilities empowered by Microsoft platform to deliver value to the business.
If you want to receive these updates weekly, then don’t forget to Subscribe!
Microsoft Announcements and Updates
- Azure API Management update
- Announcing general availability of Azure IoT Hub’s integration with Azure Event Grid
- OMS portal moving to Azure portal
- Microsoft Azure, the cloud for high performance computing
- Helping Go developers build better cloud apps faster
- New log experience in the Azure portal
Community Blog Posts
- Innovation enabled by Integration by Mattias Lögdberg
- Before You Migrate to Azure iPaaS Be Sure to Build a Successful Transition Plan! via twoconnect
- Strongly typed date and time fields for SAP connector, and NUMC fields by David Burg
- Cannot perform encryption or decryption because the secret is not available from the master secret server by Sandro Pereira
- Visual Studio error: Unable to find transmitPipeline.vstemplate. Please repair the product to fix this issue by Sandro Pereira
- Backup BizTalk Server job failed. Executed as user NT SERVICE\SQLSERVERAGENT. Cannot open backup device destination path. by Sandro Pereira
- BizTalk Mapper Extensions UtilityPack: Convert to a Number Functoid by Sandro Pereira
- SharePoint / Microsoft Flow – Common error message when using Send an HTTP request to SharePoint action in Microsoft Flow by Pieter Veenstra
- Giving Back: The Role of Ethics in Open Source and Online Communities via The Open Source Show
- Go on Azure: Part 6—Events and messaging via Azure Friday
- Azure Automation via Azure Friday
- Azure Container Instances via The Azure Podcast
- LIVE at SharePoint Fest Seattle via Microsoft cloud show
- How GDPR is affecting the American Legal System with Gary Nissenbaum  via The Hanselminutes Podcast
How get started with iPaaS design & development in Azure?
- Robust Cloud Integration with Azure
- Microsoft Azure for Developers: What to Use When
- Azure Logic Apps: Getting Started
- Azure Logic Apps: Fundamentals
- Microsoft Azure API Management Essentials
- Azure Functions Fundamentals
- Cloud Design Patterns for Azure: Availability and Resilience
- Architecting for High Availability in Microsoft Azure
Hope this would be helpful. Please feel free to reach out to me with your feedback and questions.