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SAP .NET Connector(NCo) in BizTalk Server

SAP .NET Connector 3.0 is the current version of SAP's development environment for communication between the Microsoft .NET platform and SAP systems. SAP has already announced deprecation of its classic RFC SDK and they will stop supporting it after March 2016. So BizTalk server product group has added support for the SAP .NET Connector in WCF–SAP adapter. And they have released it with cumulative update 2 for BizTalk 2013 R2. Currently the BizTalk WCF-SAP adapter will support both the RFC SDK and the SAP .NET Connector (NCo) through the ConnectorType property within the WCF-SAP binding. Connector type value can be ‘ClassicRfc’ and ‘NCo’ as explained in the whitepaper released on the Codit website.   In order to use the SAP .NET Connector, you must install both   Architecture wise it is the re-engineering of Microsoft BizTalk Adapter for mySAP Business Suite to replace Classic RFC SDK from new NetWeaver RFC Library.


So in conclusion Microsoft has provided the cumulative update / hotfix for WCF –SAP adapter which can be used to make the transition to the new SAP Connector for .NET as smooth as possible. Both the WCF-SAP and WCF-Custom adapters are updated with a new property that allows you to choose between the Classic RFC and the new Connector for .NET libraries. Please refer the whitepaper for further details.


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About the Author

My name is Gyanendra Kumar Gautam. I am Solution Consultant, who basically works to hook the stuff together using Microsoft technologies like Azure PaaS, Azure Serverless Services, Microsoft BizTalk Server, and Azure DevOps Services.

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