BizTalk Setting Dashboard @ Host Level – Part 2

In this post I will discuss about the Rate-Based Throttling and Orchestration Throttling. Please refer the previous post for the General Setting and Resource-Based Throttling @ host level.

Rate Based Throttling

Rate-Based Throttling allows you to configure rate-based criteria when the host will go into a throttled mode.


The Publishing portion refers to the rate at which messages are published from this host (to downstream hosts).

The Delivery portion refers to the rate at which messages are delivered to the orchestration or messaging engine (within this host).

This set of controls lets you determine what will be the definition of too great a mismatch between inflow and outflow and what will be the resulting action.

Specifically, Minimum Number of Samples and Sampling Window Duration work together to define how much traffic will be observed to determine real operational rates.

Rate Overdrive Factor refers to the allowable mismatch in the producer/consumer relationship.

Maximum Throttling Delay is the maximum delay BizTalk will impose (at highest severity throttling).

Throttling Override allows you to manually introduce throttling, or disable it altogether. If you manually introduce it, Throttling Override Severity allows you to control the severity level for that case.







Orchestration Throttling


Orchestration Throttling allows for fine-grained control over dehydration/rehydration.

When Dehydration Behaviour is set to Custom, the Maximum Threshold is used to determine the maximum idle time (blocked and waiting for a message) before dehydration, and Minimum Threshold sets the minimum idle time. You can see by default the minimum is 1 second and the maximum is half an hour.

If you check the Subscriptions check box, you are overriding the behaviour of when the MessageBox will decide to pause/resume moving messages to the subscription instance based on the number waiting to be consumed.


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About the Author

My name is Gyanendra Kumar Gautam. I am Solution Consultant, who basically works to hook the stuff together using Microsoft technologies like Azure PaaS, Azure Serverless Services, Microsoft BizTalk Server, and Azure DevOps Services.

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  1. Hi Gautam,
    This article is helpful one. I am trying to use this to control number of running orchestrations and no luck. Not sure what i am doing wrong here. Could you explain how can i achieve below?

    My solution has 2 orchestration, 1 receive port and 1 send port in BizTalk 2010. Receive port (file adaptor) picks up the batched files and pass it to orchestration A. Orch A split the files into small and pass it to MsgBox. Orchestration B picks up those message, map and pass it to send port.

    When i drop many files, i see so many active instances/messages in BizTalk. I want to control them. our BizTalk server is clusted and i want to run 10 running orchestration A and 15 running orchestration B in each server at a time. Each orch has its own host instances. How can i configure this? I want this on config level so i can increase or decrease any time based on the server load in the future.

    I tried few set up in Resource Base throttiling and orchestration throttiling in Host and no luck. I cannot find any article those explain step by step. Any help?

    Thank you in advance.

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